Introduction to Greenhouses

RUVIVAL Overview

Greenhouses are built to protect plants from harsh climates and to provide warmth throughout the year. Additionally, they help to save water in water scarce regions.To get a sufficient yield of crops, the plants need a stable and a suitable climate. Generally, these conditions are not always given as most regions have to face weather extremes.

The following overview will give you information on greenhouses in general, their pros and cons and successful examples of greenhouses in rural regions around the world.

Introduction to Greenhouses by Shivam Rai and Kevin Bobert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Seawater Desalination

RUVIVAL Overview

As much as 97 % of the world’s water is saltwater, which at a first glance could seem like an unlimited drinking water source tapped through desalination plants. However, seawater desalination has also its downsides as it is energy intensive and ample environmental challenges need to be faced. One of biggest environmental impacts caused by desalination plants  is the highly saline brine emitted into the sea. This effluent may have a higher temperature than the receiving water body, contains residual chemicals from the pre-treatment process, heavy metals due to corrosion, or intermittently used cleaning agents. Therefore, the effluents of the process in fact highly affect the very resources they depend on. To learn more about the challenges of seawater desalination, have a look at the presentation below!

Seawater Desalination by Fuzhi Yao and Ruth Schaldach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.