Last weekend we presented our project at the Day of Science at Hamburg University of Technology (Tag des Wissens). We want to thank all visitors for your active participation.
Ruth Schaldach let the audience look behind the scenes of the serious game and invited the audience of the talk to participate next year. The next game will start in May 2019 and you can already book your place.
It was a lot of fun playing the wheel of fortune quiz! The main price were bags with the RUVIVAL logo as a stencil handmade by the RUVIVAL Team.
Finally, we were highly honoured at the event as the Deputy Mayor of Hamburg and Senator for Science, Research and Equal Rights, Katharina Fegebank, as well as the President of Hamburg University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Ed Brinksma and Vice President for Teaching at Hamburg University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Sönke Knutzen visited us.

To give all our readers a small glimpse into the event we prepared a photo presentation below. Enjoy and stay tuned: next week we will publish a whole new project section!
To learn more about Hamburg Open Online University and our partners, have a look at the following webpages:
HOOU – Hamburg Open Online University
Centre of Teaching and Learning at the TUHH