Simulation Game
May is just around the corner and with it some exciting RUVIVAL events, most notably – the new round of the RUVIVAL Simulation Game! Next week, we will start accepting applications for external participants – the application form and further instructions will be available on our website, so make sure to stick around!
It is an interactive learning tool for planning eco-towns. The planning takes place in a simulated world, on the platform HumHub. The aim is to employ ecological design using system thinking and synergetic effects of resource cycles. The planning groups, consisting of students from participating universities, exchange their knowledge, as they experience similar obstacles in the planning process despite being in a different environment. Each planning group has subgroups focusing on water, energy, buildings, transport or community impact, just to name some aspects.

As an external participant, you play the role of a future inhabitant in one of the newly planned towns. You are able to take action and influence the planning progress. Still not sure if the Simulation Game is for you? Read more about the Simulation Game, as well as about the experiences from the previous year.
New Interactive Lecture in Collaboration with ICAM France
Some months ago, we gave away hints about the novelties of the upcoming Simulation Game. One thing that is new is that our project partners from ICAM France have developed an Interactive Lecture to be used as learning material for the participating students and during the Game. This lecture is of course also available for the wider public on the RUVIVAL website. We have just published Part 1 and you can reach it here. Start learning about raw earth construction today and get ready for the next round of the Simulation Game! We look forward to having you!